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What are the most important skills for remote data entry jobs?

It is really important to know the responsibilities of remote data entry jobs. In this blog post, we provide the key tips for new data entry experts.

What are the most important skills for remote data entry jobs?


Jan 26th 2022

5 mins

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What are the most important skills for remote data entry jobs?

It is really important to know the responsibilities of remote data entry jobs. All the work given to you must be done online because you have to do work from home and all your work will be done using a computer so you must have accuracy in some essential computer skills.

Manage your timetable and expectations every day and prioritize those responsibilities you need to get done.

How to succeed in the remote data entry jobs

You need many skills to be an effective data entry worker. You will need to spend major time on your computer to develop these skills. Follow these steps to give your best in the data entry field while working from a remote location:

1. Speed up your typing

Typing is a necessary computer skill, you should know about, and as a data entry worker, you have to be a super-skilled typing master. To teach yourself typing skills, Practice till you can type a maximum of 35 words per minute. The faster you type, the quicker you get your work finished.

2. Improve your language skills

To work in the data field you must have English language skills:

  • learn to read
  • write effectively
  • proofread your work at a high level

There are many platforms through which you can learn this language. We suggest you take a look at one of the most popular apps - Duolingo.

3. Attention to details

When you are doing remote data entry jobs, you have to deal with a lot of data that looks the same. By paying attention to data details you can get restraint from making massive data entry mistakes.

4. Computer skills

As a data entry worker, you will need to know how to use computer programs to input and edit electronic data. You can get help from free online tutorials for famous computer programs, for example, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word.

  • Spreadsheets: You should know the usage of a spreadsheet is an important key to getting remarkable success in the world of data entry. Most of the companies arrange their data in spreadsheets. There are two programs you must be up-to-date about: Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel.
  • Word Documents: Sometimes you can use Microsoft Word as a data entry clerk. Skills about the usage of important features of the program, such as formatting a document or inserting links, will outdo you as compared to other job seekers. You will know about PowerPoint.
  • Email: Remote data entry jobs require you to be proficient in the knowledge of email and its proper usages like Gmail and Microsoft Outlook. Email is considered to be the main means of communication for online data entry jobs.

5. Organizational skills

You need to stay organized if you are a data entry clerk. You must have a sense of creating a system for filing and naming every folder and file on your computer. It will prohibit sending any wrong data to clients.

6. Communication skills

As a worker in the data entry field, you have to communicate with colleagues and employers throughout your data entry projects. Being able to communicate online professionally and technically is also an important feature for success as a data entry clerk. You can take help from free resources such as articles and tutorials.

7. Office Operating Equipment skills

Recent times have seen companies use high-quality office equipment to increase the productivity of teams. Data entry jobs require you to be able to operate with standard office equipment to accomplish your tasks. The most common office equipment is – printers, scanners, copiers, and dictation machines.

8. Time Management skills

Data entry jobs require a lot of work to be done in a short period. So besides organizational skills, you will also need good time management skills to do so. Time management will help you plan, prioritize, and achieve your daily work goals faster and more efficiently. This skill is required for everything, from fast typing and sorting to batching and archiving files. You must have the ability to follow schedules and meet deadlines.

9. Research and data collection

Almost every data entry job position needs initial research and data collection. The research could be of different types according to the nature of your field. Some of the basic research and data collection skills are: the ability to find reliable sources of information, establish the right research problem, accumulate relevant information, analyze data, and use data collection tools and techniques.

10. Accuracy

Databases must always be accurate. The creation of a database begins with people in the data entry positions. You must input correct data at all times. Mistakes could lead to a waste of time and money and could cause unhappy customers. It is essential that you stay focused on your work.

11. Team-working skills

Though you will be working from a remote location, you will always be part of a team. You must have the ability to work with your team. Team-working skills include assertive communication skills, listening skills, empathy, and respect for team members.

12. Knowledge of Database structure

You need to have the knowledge and understanding of the structure and design of databases. You must also be able to understand how your work will contribute to the overall database of the company.

4 Tips on How to Best Perform Remote Data Entry Jobs from Home

1. Improve your data entry skills

All jobs require a certain level of competence, which is only achievable through training and practice. Thus, take all of the skills we have listed above into consideration and perfect them to boost your performance at your remote data entry jobs.

2. Set up a professional home office

If you work on data entry jobs on a full-time basis, a professional office setup is crucial. The office should comprise suitable furniture, a productive environment, and other tools that support home data entry work. Invest in quality equipment, good lighting, and ergonomic office furniture.

3. Play your day properly

Your performance in data entry is directly proportional to how effectively you manage your day or time. Poor planning or lack of a set timetable results in delayed orders, poor customer service, and reduced productivity.

4. Eliminate distractions

When working full-time from home, there are plenty of factors that easily tarnish your concentration. You can get distracted by your kid, your dog, an upcoming football match, devices, or a meal in the fridge. Find creative ways to eliminate these distractions that you can maintain full focus when it is time for work.

Maybe start working as a sports data journalist?

We have different data entry jobs available and currently the most popular is sports data journalist. The sports data journalists are responsible for covering matches for different sports directly from the venues or TV. The job is fun and rewarding but it also requires speed and accuracy. You can earn from 50€ to 150€ per match by covering your favorite tournaments (NBA, NHL, NCAA, Champions League, etc.). Currently, we are looking for data journalists in many different countries (USA, UK, Australia, Japan, etc.). If you are interested to become a sports data journalist apply here. If you want to know more about what the day of sports data journalist looks like read this blog post.

Check our YouTube channel to see what current sports data journalists are saying about this job.

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