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Top highest paid remote jobs with data

These highest paid remote jobs turn your dream career into success, no matter what point you’re at in your online career. Take a look at the below list of the five highest-paid remote jobs you should consider applying to right now.

Top highest paid remote jobs with data


Oct 15th 2021

4 mins

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Top highest paid remote jobs with data

Nowadays we can work remotely and make money from any location. This year Growmotely conducted a survey which shows, 61% of respondents said they have a preference for a completely remote environment. These highest paid remote jobs turn your dream career into success, no matter what point you’re at in your online career.

Glassdoor and indeed is a top website for the highest-paid remote jobs. Always check their website to view open positions. We believe that good team effort and professionalism do not need co-location or boundaries. Every job we mention in this article offers the highest salary depending on experience, but they all offer the possibility to earn more than enough per year.

Take a look at the below list of the five highest-paid remote jobs you should consider applying to right now.

1. Full Stack Web Developer

You work from any location to create back-end and front-end code for the website, software, and other technology applications, as a remote full-stack developer. On Glassdoor this is one of the highest paid remote jobs. According to Glassdoor full-stack web, developers must be experts in:

  • developing website architecture
  • many different computer languages
  • supporting to build of a website application
  • must be capable to work with servers, databases, and system engineering
  • designing and developing APIs
  • make sure that applications have the right level of responsiveness
  • making web design features by working with graphic designers

The salary range of a remote full-stack developer is: $50,000-$117,000


2. Graphic designer

According to Indeed, this is one of the highest-paid remote jobs all over the world. The job of Remote graphic designers is almost the same as regular graphic designers. Remote graphic designers work from home or any location that has an internet connection and a computer. They make visual concepts to convey a message that informs, motivates, or fascinates customers.

Remote graphic designers support organizations to form their brand and show a specific identity or idea for marketing and promotional material. They are skilled in the handling of:

  • logos
  • colors
  • shapes
  • fonts
  • images
  • photography
  • print design
  • animation
  • draw by hand or use computer software

The average salary range of a remote graphic designer is $34,000 – $69,000


3. Senior Software Engineer

Senior Software Engineer is also one of the highest paid remote jobs according to Glassdoor. They must have complete knowledge of different programming languages, plus deep information about computer operating systems and software development. Remote software developers make better work-life balance. Remote coding boot camps and remote work offers a wide variety of possibilities, including high salaries.

As a remote senior software engineer, your major task is to

  • code
  • test
  • debug computer software applications for your company to ensure it functions properly on each operating system
  • choose which programming language to use
  • help manage the development process

The average salary of a Senior Software Engineer is $94,000-$166,000


4. Project Manager

I Love to work as a project manager. This is the highest paid remote job and needs a lot of professionalism. Project managers organize a team of people working on specific projects within a company. A project manager must have proficiency in:

  • ensuring the project’s completion within the time
  • helping specific team members to solve roadblocks
  • correctly budgeting for a project
  • documenting the steps of a project
  • overseeing the timeline of a project

The average annual salary range of a project manager is $51,000 – $111,00.


5. Business Development Representative

Indeed, this is the highest paid remote job you can do. The Business Development Manager qualifies for new business opportunities and meets sales quotas. This remote job gives you the chance to learn sales and gives you the experience you need to grow your career into more senior roles in marketing, sales, or other parts of our company.

Major task as a business development representative

  • increase sales
  • contribution to formative’s long-term business development by Hiring, training, and mentoring a growing team of Business Development Representatives
  • work together with the sales team to grow and implement a territory sales and marketing strategy

The average annual salary range of a business development representative is $40,000 - 200,000.


Pros of Getting Highest Paid Remote Jobs:

1. No commute: You no longer have to deal with daily traffic or annoying rush hour subway rides.

2. Your own schedule: Nobody is watching. Want to watch Netflix at 11:00 a.m. on a Monday? Go ahead, no one will know. Depending on your job function, you can work when you want to.

3. Work anywhere: You can work literally anywhere. In the garden when it’s nice outside, or in a different country every few months.

4. Family time: If you have kids or pets, you will have more time to hang with them. Obviously, you don’t want them to invade your workspace, but work flexibility allows for more family or pet time.

5. Costs: Commute costs are nil. You can also say goodbye to $13 salads for lunch and say hello to the supermarket for a cheaper breakfast and lunch.

6. Office stress and distractions: No one is stopping by your desk and distracting you from work. No office drama with remote work.

Cons of Getting Highest Paid Remote Jobs:

1. Loneliness: Working 5 days per week completely alone can get really lonely.

2. Overworking: More people struggle to divide home life and work life, resulting in a never-ending workday. Burnout becomes very real, very fast, if you fall into bad work habits at home.

3. Underworking: Depending on your personality, overall work ethic, and love for your job function, productivity can actually drop in a remote environment. If direct supervision motivates you to get work done, working from home might kill your motivation.

4. No office-induced inspiration: Some say that creativity and innovation can happen at impromptu moments at work. Being physically close to coworkers creates more interpersonal communication. Some of these moments are lost with remote work.

5. Limited team social activities: Some companies are partly remote. For example, maybe only 10% of the workforce is remote. When everyone goes out for a happy hour, you and the other remote team members might be too far away to join.


There are a host of opportunities available for working remote jobs in data. There is also the massive chance that you get to obtain one of the highest paid remote jobs in this field. If this is something that interests you, we advise that you conduct ample research on the best position for you in the data industry based on the skills and qualifications that you have. Then keep your eyes open for opportunities that open up online for that position.

Maybe Start Working as Sports Data Journalist?

We have different data entry jobs available and currently the most popular is sports data journalist. The sports data journalists are responsible for covering matches for different sports directly from the venues or TV. The job is fun and rewarding but it also requires speed and accuracy. Currently, we are looking for data journalists in many different countries (USA, UK, Australia, Japan, etc.). If you are interested to become a sports data journalist apply here. If you want to know more about what the day of a sports data journalist looks like read this blog post.

Check our YouTube channel to see what current sports data journalists are saying about this job.

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